Sunday 1 October 2017


I. Introduction

This is the second of a series in which, using Rod Novichkov's method, I am typing celebrities - mainly artistic people (actors, musicians, models, writers, artists) and some politicians and journalists. This post shall look at celebrity ESFJs.

Novichkov, in his How to Find Yourself and Your Best Match (2007), types a total of 28 celebrities as ESFJs. Putting all of Novichkov's celebrities on a spreadsheet, we find that what Keirsey calls the 'Guardians' - those with Si as a dominant secondary function, ESFJs, ISTJs, ISFJs and ESTJs - are the most numerous. The 'Artisans' - those with Se as a dominant or secondary, ESFPs, ESTPs, ISTPs, and ISFPs - come a close second. The 'Rationals' (xNTx types) and 'Idealists' (xNFx) come last: these types are thin on the ground in celebrity-land. My own typings - of real-life acquaintances - bear out Novichkov's findings; the majority of people I encounter in the street belong in the 'Guardian' group.

II. Visually identifying the ESFJ

Let's run through, briefly, how an ESFJ looks according to Novichkov. Remember that ESFJs are Extraverted Feeling-dominant (and so are Extraverts) and Introverted Sensors; they are also Judgers.

The ESFJ as Judger: because the ESFJ is a Judger - his dominant function, Introverted Feeling, is a Judging and not a Perceiving one - he has a judger's neck. In the below diagram, Novichkov contrasts the 'Conceiving' (Judging) and Perceiving neck and head shapes:

Here we see the side view of two Judgers, Roger Moore and Christopher Lee:

The ESFJ as Feeler: Novichkov lists these attributes of the Feeling, as opposed to the Thinking, type:

1. Rounded forehead which is smaller and less expressive than the lower half of the face;
2. Superciliary arches (bones beneath eyebrows) are smoothed out and not pronounced;
3. Gently rounded bridge of nose dip;
4. Shallow eye sockets;
5. Rounded nose, usually pug shaped;
6. Wide lower face which is expressive.

Below we have two examples of Feelers, one male, one female - L. Ron Hubbard and Emma Watson respectively:

The ESFJ as Introverted Sensor: Sensors put on weight easily and tend to full and well-rounded; their mouths more often than not are full and sensual and their hands are smooth and stocky. They sit or stand in a rigid, conventional way. When sitting, they confine themselves to a small space. In the below pictures, the Sensors (Mitt Romney and Steve Jobs) sit in this way, whereas the Intuitives (Paul Ryan and Bill Gates) spread themselves all over the place:

Notice the difference in build, as well as posture, of John McCain (a Sensor) and John Kerry (an intuitive):

When looking at you, the Introverted Sensor tends to squint. While they give the impression that they are always looking at something, their eyes tend to lack focus and can seem bleary. For an example of this, see the gazes of the three Introverted Sensing celebrities below:

The ESFJ as Extravert: a person's facial expression tells if they are an Introvert or Extravert. An Extravert always appears tuned in to his surroundings, that is, his attention focused on the people and happenings around him. He often is fully engaged and preoccupied. As such, his facial expression can seem somewhat tense; energy is always pulsing below the surface.

Unlike the Introvert, the Extravert finds himself at ease and at home in his external environment. The Introvert can seem like a rabbit caught in headlights when photographed, whereas the Extravert always gives the impression of being relaxed and open.

Something I always look for first is the degree of tension in the lower face, particularly around the mouth. Extraverts always seem to be about to say something, about to burst forth.

III. The ESFJ Celebrities: ESFJ men

Here are the famous ESFJ men:

Mike Pence, US politician

Sidney James, actor

Nikita Khrushchev, premier of the Soviet Union

Ashton Kutcher, actor

William Hurt, actor

William Shatner, actor

Peter Graves, actor

Richard Christie, actor

Mike Huckabee, US politician

IV. The ESFJ Celebrities: ESFJ women: 

Here are the famous ESFJ women:

Scarlett Johansson, actress

Claire Holt, actress

Charlize Theron, actress

Zsa Zsa Gabor, socialite

Karla Mosley, actress

Lena Headey, actress

Angela Merkel, German politician

Mark Hootsen, signing off.